
230th Marine Corps Ball

230th Marine Corps Ball
Originally uploaded by nukeit1.
My friend James (right) has just arived home from Iraq. He was over there for about a year, often in combat situations and in some very difficult situations with the loss of fellow soldiers in his company. To see him come home seems like such a miracle after hearing everything he went through.

We have all seen the images of war in the news and on the internet. But while James was down there, he brought us here at home images of the real war. Images of Iraqis feeding the American troops that were searching their houses. Pictures of the American troops giving out stuffed animals to the kids. Images showing us that we have freed an opressed people and they are very greatful for the most part. You think this isn't a just war? Ask James about the desperate people down there and the lives that have been changed. I'm sure he could give you a pretty good perspective.


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