
Many Lights

Many Lights
Originally uploaded by BigPru.
Photography. I love taking photos. I bought my first (and only) camera two years ago for my trip to Guatemala. I love the photos I've taken and love looking at others photos. Flickr is the best invention ever! I haven't updated mine in a while, but just knowing that I have the ability to take pictures and share them with millions (or just twenties) of people. But having the ability to fully control the shutter speed, aperture, focus and all. This photo is just an example of all of these things. The creativity, the wide viewer base, the ease of manipulation, all easily accessable. An amazing world of sharing amazing resources to all...that's what society should be about.


  • mmm...thanks for your deep response to my incredibly deep post...just kidding..it's really all crap anyway

    By Blogger prozaciswack, at 26/9/05 12:33 AM  

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